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We admit children to our school in the September after their fourth birthday.

Whenever possible, we like children to visit the school before they are admitted to get to know the building, and the staff with whom they will be working. In the Summer Term of each year children due to join us in September visit us for stay and play sessions. We also host a parents meeting with information about the school and an opportunity to ask questions.

Starting School

There is a single intake into Reception.  All children whose date of birth falls between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020 will be eligible to apply for a full-time place in Reception for September 2024.  

You can apply for a school place for September 2024 between 30th October 2023 and 15th January 2024.

If you live in Surrey, you can find further information about school admissions and apply online here or you can call 0300 200 1004.  
If you live in Hampshire, you can find further information about school admissions and apply online here or you can call 0300 555 1377.

Normandy Village School has a Published Admissions Number (PAN) of 30 for initial entry (Reception Class).

The allocation of school places at initial entry (Reception Class) is co-ordinated by the Local Authority Admissions Team in accordance with our published admission arrangements.

Once places have been offered by the Local Authority, any waiting list for places will be ranked according to our over-subscription criteria.

Out of Year Group requests

Applicants may choose to seek a place outside their child’s chronological (correct) year group. Decisions will be made on the basis of the circumstances of each case and what is in the best interests of the child concerned.

  • Applicants who are applying for their child to have a decelerated entry to school, i.e. to start later than other children in their chronological age group, must initially apply for a school place in accordance with the deadlines that apply for their child’s chronological age. If, in liaison with the headteacher, the admission authority agrees for the child to have a decelerated entry to the school, the place cannot be deferred and instead, the applicant will be invited to apply again in the following year for the decelerated cohort.
  • Applicants who are applying for their child to have an accelerated entry to school, i.e. to start earlier than other children in their chronological age group, must initially apply for a school place at the same time that other families are applying for that cohort. If, in liaison with the headteacher, the admission authority agrees for the child to have an accelerated entry to the school, the application will be processed. If it is not agreed for the child to have an accelerated entry to the school, the applicant will be invited to apply again in the following year for the correct cohort.

Applicants must state clearly why they feel admission to a different year group is in the child's best interest and provide what evidence they have to support this. More information on educating children out of their chronological year group and the process for making such requests is available at


If a place is not offered at the school, there is a right to appeal to an independent panel. Contact is through the Surrey Schools Appeals Service to request an appeal form - 

Should you have any queries concerning admissions, please email:

In Year Admissions

The Admissions Policy 2023 applies for In Year Admissions during the 2023/24 academic year.
Please see below the application form for In Year Admission.
In the case of oversubscription a waiting list will be created and kept for each year group.